Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Saving Souls

One child, of the living,
Takes it, upon himself,
To stop, all the killing.
"Fair child," his mother told him,
"Please now, please take some rest."
"But, mother" he replied,
"How can I? With all these children out there dying."
"I have a cause to fight."
"Will you let me, travel through the night?"
Forever, the boy waited,
Still hoping, to save the souls,
His mother, soon was ill,
She never, did tell him,
How she slept each night.
But, now, it was clear,
All he needed was a broken heart
To cry himself to sleep,
Still as death, not beating,
All he needed was a tragidy,
And as it said upon her will,
He found one.
"Heed the wisdom in this world,
As I live on, in the next,
Still don't allow, berievment,
To poison your soul."

Forever, the boy waited,
Still hoping, to save the souls,
His mother, soon was ill,
Still to this day,
He does remember,
Those sweet words,
Which had filled his lips,
On the day,
Of his mothers dead beginnings,
Of those conversations,
Which he never understood.

"Fair child," his mother told him,
"Please now, please take some rest."

Rest, rest, just,
Like the dead,Rest, rest,
Why on Earth,
Was peace lurking in his mothers soul,
Why, why, he just plain didn't know.


At 2:23 pm, October 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read that so many times, yet still after each time it is still a wonder a new. It's still amazin!

At 8:13 pm, October 01, 2006, Blogger Amarynthous said...

is it, well, that's nice to know! Thankyou

At 8:08 pm, October 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooo sleepy...

At 7:01 pm, October 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DId you actually write that your self? It's great!

At 3:34 pm, October 08, 2006, Blogger Amarynthous said...

Yes, I wrote it myself, all my own work, interesting how that works isn't it?

At 5:10 pm, April 10, 2007, Blogger * Mizuki * said...

i really thought this was like copied out ov a poem book haha!! its that good !! ^^


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