A Photography Feeling
I decided, since there are some wounderful leaf colours around in Autumn, to go out and take some pictures - The one above looks particularly interesting, wouldn't you say?
All of these pictures were taken around my own village.
It's very dark. Maybe you would be able to see the colours better if it were more sunny.
I suppose, but I randomly decided to take some pictures, at an outragous time for sun, at least. I am going to run around my village again next weekend at a more sunny time, thanks for your comment!
Hello! I like your pictures Aimee! Who is anonymous?
Jess, it's Kai, thanks. I have no idea, who do you think it is?
Beth is sometimes anonymous, but I don't think it's Beth.
yeah I asked her, it's definatly not Beth.
Hey Aimee, you've not posted in nearly two weeks!!! Oh well, cya!
Love Jess xxx
Yeah, just can't think of anything to post!!!!
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