Sunday, April 08, 2007

Pineapple House

So, I had a sleep over at Charlie's house last night and today we were talking about random stuff, so, we have decided to create a manga comic of our own, called, 'Pineapple House' (C) to me and Charlie, no stealy now. :) Anyway, it's gonna be great, cute, and best of all, cool! (Don't forget L33T!) Ok, yeah, self promoting... X.X

Other than that, nothing much has been going on, we had such a good time, we talked, we talked, and then, we laughed! oh, yeah, I found a really cool beer emoticon... ;)

Warning: the rest of this post contains dang3r0us l3v3lz 0f l33t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........... (N0 s0b3r m4st3rz 0r s4n3 r34d0rz pl34z3).

L33t m4st3r s4yz: "Yo, Ch4rl13!" "1 1z b33/\/ sk3tch1/\/!!!"

I've got some ideas about one character for the 'Pineapple House stuff...... Will try to create a character sheet... With c0l0ur!

"W4tch m1 m4d dr4wi/\/ sk1llz! C0l0ur R0x0rz!"

Kai - "Cosplay - L4rg0 Styl3! W00t, Ph33r t3 l4ck 0f b33r!" *Ph33r t4 p13 t00........* (But m0stly te b33r) *tr1pz 0v3r cl0th3z* X.X

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At 4:56 pm, April 10, 2007, Blogger * Mizuki * said...

h4h4!! s0 funny !! 7h47 n1gh7 w4z 4wz0m3 ^^ * L337 m4z73r L4rg0 1z drunk fr0m g4ll0nz 0f B33r!! B3w4r3!! * :P h3h3 x.x.x.x

At 6:10 pm, April 10, 2007, Blogger Amarynthous said...

I7 w4z 1nd33d 4ws0m3, w3 sh0uld d0 i7 4g41n s00n... *Runz fr0m b33r cr4zyn3zz*

W41t, th4tz n0t r1gh7, *dr1nkz b33r* 4h, much b3tt3r...


At 3:15 pm, April 11, 2007, Blogger * Mizuki * said...

73 h3!!
y34h! w3 sh0uld d0 17 4g41n ^.^ hmmm bu7 wh3n.... hmmm *th1nking t00 self.. br41n st4rtz t00 hur7!!*
w3 w1ll f1nd 4 t1m3 s00n ... w3ll 1m s71ll f1gur1n 0u7 4 n4m3 f0r t3 n4m3l3zz ch4r4'z...
3rm.. by t3 w4y! j4 n0 t3 p3rz0n4l1t13z j4 pu7 f0r 4ll t3 ch4r4'z .. sh4ll w3 us3 j0ur 1d34'z ? ^.^
4nyw4yz zp34k z00n!! xxx


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