Monday, April 09, 2007

Poem - Sometimes Wrong is Right

I'd like to see, if I could kill you,
From my memory,
Get rid of your words,
They keep spiraling around in my head...

I can't stop thinking about you...
Everyday, round and round,
Go away, would you?
Do you?

Everything that I say is nothing to you.

I'd like to see, you cry
Because I made you cry,
Like you saw me do,
You know what I'd do?
I'd laugh.

Laugh, laugh, laugh.

Everything that I say is nothing to you...

Loose you on the map,
Erase you from my past,
I don't need this,
Or you, in my dreams,
I see you in the night,
But the only word that springs to mind
Is 'die'

I really hate you that much,
Even though I still, love you.
But what is love?
I was there for you,
I trusted you.
Like you wanted me to be,
Everyday, I couldn't leave you...

And now that I have...
You're still haunting me,
Jealousy, it's clear to see.
Nothing to me jealous of,
Do you want this pain
Something you can use to complain?
Just because, I don't show it,
I don't show what I'm thinking,
Feeling, what I'm planning,
To do to you.

I'd like to see, you cry
Because I made you cry,
Like you saw me do,
You know what I'd do?
I'd laugh.

Laugh, laugh, laugh.

This is how much, how much
This is how you have...
You changed me,
You said I was all wrong,
Is this better?

Loose you on the map,
Erase you from my past,
I don't need this,
Or you, in my dreams,
I see you in the night,
But the only word that springs to mind
Is 'die'

Get out of my mind...
Would you?..

I promised I wouldn't look at you,
Talk to you...

Just. Go.

This is sort of... Influenced by something that happened a long time ago, someone influenced this, and by the way, it's good to write poetry about real life, it eases the burden... Somewhat ;)

3llo l33t m4st3r!

Kai - "If it was sane to love you, I probably wouldn't love you anyway..." X.X

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At 4:47 pm, April 10, 2007, Blogger * Mizuki * said...

4www 7h1z 1z 4ws0m3 ^^ ... 1 c4n k1nd4 s33 why y0u sa1d 17z 4 l177l3 h4t3full h4h4!! bu7 17z s71ll 4ws0m3 dud3!! xxx

At 6:04 pm, April 10, 2007, Blogger Amarynthous said...

Thankyou l33t m4st3r! H33 h33! :)



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