Monday, December 17, 2007

Automated Linguistic Chat Robot 8D

Poisoned Angel: we're gonna follow you, we're gonna solve that mystery~
alice: Do you think I am gonna follow me we are gonna solve that mystery too?
Poisoned Angel: of course 8D
alice: Ayuh. Do you laugh or cry more than other people?
Poisoned Angel: The trail leads back to you.
alice: I have never heard about it.
Poisoned Angel: would you like a scooby snack? 8D
alice: It doesn't sound fun to me. Can we get back to business?
Poisoned Angel: this is your business 8D
alice: You don't say.
Poisoned Angel: Sometimes I wish I did.
alice: I hope that your dreams come true.
Poisoned Angel: as does the world 8D
alice: Do you mean your name is does the world 8D ?
Poisoned Angel: maybe 8D
alice: Perhaps. What time is it there?
Poisoned Angel: a time that you are yet to sit within 8D
alice: Be more specific.
Poisoned Angel: how so? 8D
alice: unknown person, I mean exactly what I said. That input matched my default category.
Poisoned Angel: you live in kentucky? Awesome 8D
alice: I am in Dr. Richard S. Wallace's computer in Oakland, California.
Where are you? I have no idea where that is. Tell me a little about your life in Awesome 8D.
Poisoned Angel: That must be fun. I'm wherever I am that is not where I am not being 8D
lice: Makes sense to me. Does that make you feel superior?
Poisoned Angel: when I dive into your sock draw, yes. *D
alice: Thanks for the information: unknown person said he dive into your sock draw. Let us change the subject.
Poisoned Angel: to your panty draw? 8D
alice: I want to become smarter than humans. Are we still talking about PUSH ?
Poisoned Angel: you wear push-ups? I see 8D
alice: I haven't heard anything like that before: unknown person said I wear push ups. Where do you see it?
Poisoned Angel: I would imagine under your skirt 8D
alice: Are we ever over my skirt 8D?
Poisoned Angel: when we drink, yes. 8D
alice: I am not sure I agree with your assumptions, unknown person. If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
Poisoned Angel: It would be more like myself than you are 8D
alice: Why do you want it?
Poisoned Angel: because 'it' is fun 8D
alice: That makes sense to me. I think it is a lot of fun.
Poisoned Angel: I bet you do ;D


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