Wednesday, May 16, 2007

'Batman Rotates!' The Movie.

Is it ever possible to win in a round of internet poker? Where you, believed to be the evil conterpart to Batman (whoever that may be) are carefully, and most secretly playing handman with the nearest kangaroo you can find..

Well, there is a time in such a game, where, being a large lop eared rabbit, who likes to indulge themselves in the highlights of the latest movies, realises, they think 'Batman Rotates' is an excellent movie title... I mean, what else is there when the Kangaroo asks you to answer their hangman question, and all you have so far for the movie title is 'Batman _o_e_e_'

Well... It was an excellent idea at the time... X.X



At 9:14 pm, June 10, 2007, Blogger * Mizuki * said...

haha ! rofl ~ i dont get it.. lmao


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