Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Birthday Pictures

These are some of the photos I took on my birthday of various birthday related things, and also some pictures of my dog and it's child ;o;/ I wanted to show a certain someone these so, I hope you enjoy them, my special someone ;v;!!

The biggest gift I received ;o; When I woke up it was sitting all magically like this at the end of my bed and it took me a while to notice it, he he. I still have the bow but now I put it in my hair ;v; Can you guess what it is? ;o; I'll be taking pictures of it later also *o*

Rocking chair companions among christmas wrapping papers ;o; My cat, Wicki-Two, the black cat, and my brothers cat Sassy, the white cat snoozing together ;v; they usually hug each other like this while they nap too. And usually on this rocking chair ;v;

My cake and various candies in bowls *Q* We managed to fit all 16 candles on the cake ;o; and my dad bought creme eggs, Dr pepper and other candies for us to eat ;v; Mushroom is sitting behind the crisp-filled plate, he tried to jump from one chair to the little stool with the crisps on a few times too. He really likes crisps ;v;

Starry cake with lit candles *Q* *blew them out all in one go* ;v; also, creme egg wrappers ;o; 

A slice of the cake which I insisted had a star on ;v;/ It was very yummy too. 

I saved these gingerbread men over from Christmas day, when I got a Gingerbread man shaped tin with six little gingerbread men in. I really like their bows ;D; and I still have one to eat ;o;/

I wanted to take a picture of this chocolate yogurt I had ;o; seeing as it was cute and is limited edition *Q* with the little chocolate eggs with a hard candy coating in alongside the melted chocolate yogurt ;v;/ 

This is my dog's child, Mr Brown ;v; He's bigger than her now, and has a cowlick. He's sitting on my bed behind a River Island bag ;o; In this photo you can see his pom-pom tail too ;v; He looks serious but he's easy-going really, he's my mum's dog and she and him are really alike xD :'D

for some reason I really like the side view of Pekingeses ;o; so cute and squishy like a chibi ;v;/ Mr Brown was looking at my mum in this picture also. 

Koumia again ;o; Looking serious too, she was about to woof in this picture because she could hear dogs outside, she never usually woofs unless she hears other doggies or a loud noise though ;v; Also, grinch feet ;o;/!! She was sitting on my bed and it was really late/early when she decided to start woofing a bit ;v;

And here is Koumia sleeping with her tongue out ;o; I caught a photo of her when she was snoring like a waffle on my bed again ;v;/ She usually sticks her tongue out when she falls asleep and then if you wake her up she hides it again ;o;!! In this picture you can see her tail and her little grinch feets again *Q*!!


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