Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Court of the crimson king

I often sit back in my swivel seat and wonder... "Why am I here?"
Not because I have forgotten why I sat on the chair in the first place, or what I was planning to do with the seat, or why I came in the room..
But because I really have no idea what life or fate as some call it, has planned for me, but I suppose no one really 'knows' what has been planned for their life, or for what will happen after they are gone..
I mean, how do you know if what you are doing today is really the right thing to do?
I'm not really sure if persuing what I 'want' to do, is the really the best thing to do.. Perhaps I should persue things of a more difficult or skill utelizing manner? I don't really know, all I know as of this moment is that I like what I am doing, I enjoy persuing goals in poetry, art and the like. And I know I want to be 'someone' But the eternal question of 'Who' I actually want to be, is still lingering upon the dewy grass in front of my front patio.

I'd like to think that everyone has a set path in life, but that would mean that every thought each individual in the world has is already pre-determined by some higher being, or maybe just because we were made so predicatbly? I mean, everyday peope have dreams and say that they saw things happen, before they actually did. Millions of people all around the world have 'dajarvou' but are we really experiencing a time overlap or is it merely due to following strict routines now a days... Well, I don't know the answer to that either.. But, it gets you thinking, makes you wonder...

But, anyway, onto another subject.

I find it very interesting how music changes ones mood and people can be creative in many different ways depending on the imput of the music they listen to...

Anywho.. That's the end of my thought reel for today... XD
