Saturday, May 26, 2007

Boredom! To the extreme!

Oh no! I think something is wrong with me :O I'm so bored, I actually want to do homework :O *te horror* Though I only actually have one piece of homework to be doing, art, which isn't so bad.. Though it is ugly coursework.. X.X Ah well... I suppose I should get on with that then... But, I feel the need to mention that today I finally got on with arranging and putting away all of my manga sketches/pictures right from the beginning of the year *I filled 6 plastic wallets with all the pictures from January to May.. X.X I've been drawing too much, but, I did notice that I actually have improved since January, heaps of improvement has occured, which I'm proud of, although, I didn't notice it X.x Anyway, so, that was it, oh, I also went shopping, came up with some drawing ideas.. uh... And suddenly want to draw clouds and trees in gimp *Became obsessed with em last night*

Bye bye now! X.X *dies* X.x

Kai - Cheese is similar to pie, only, without the round edges, and delicious pastry taste with filling... Hmmm... I guess cheese is nothing like pie then X.X My bad. X.X

W00t! L33t m4st3r l1k3z p13! 0r c4k3! :D < Loves that smiley now *it totally reminds meh of Cho* 0_o

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Red Says

He he, an animation by me, yay!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

'Batman Rotates!' The Movie.

Is it ever possible to win in a round of internet poker? Where you, believed to be the evil conterpart to Batman (whoever that may be) are carefully, and most secretly playing handman with the nearest kangaroo you can find..

Well, there is a time in such a game, where, being a large lop eared rabbit, who likes to indulge themselves in the highlights of the latest movies, realises, they think 'Batman Rotates' is an excellent movie title... I mean, what else is there when the Kangaroo asks you to answer their hangman question, and all you have so far for the movie title is 'Batman _o_e_e_'

Well... It was an excellent idea at the time... X.X
